In this course you will learn how to build online experiments using jsPsych and JavaScript.
JavaScript is a programming language used by web browsers, and jsPsych is a toolkit with useful extra functions which uses JavaScript.
Before you start¶
For this course you will need a programmers’ editor and something to allow you to transfer files to the server. If you don’t already have these, I recommend the editor Visual Studio Code and the file transfer program CyberDuck. Both of these are free and open source.
Here’s the link to download Visual Studio Code .
For CyberDuck, here are download links for Windows and Mac.
To transfer files from Linux, it will depend on your distribution. In most Linux distributions you can
connect directly in the desktop file browser, or use the scp
Install these before you start working through the rest of the materials.
University VPN¶
Normally, the teaching server is only accessible from inside the University network, including wired internet connections and the “eduroam” wireless network. To connect from other locations (including the “central” wireless network) please click the link below and follow the instructions to access the VPN:
The teaching server used in this course is not suitable for real experiments.
Web hosting for your own experiments (for research, or for an undergraduate, MSc or PhD project) can be requested from the central IT service, see this page for details.
Exercises and solutions¶
There are exercises throughout this course to help you practice and test your understanding. Solutions are provided, and are linked from each exercise and together in the course table of contents.
Feel free to use these solutions to help you at any stage. In particular, you might find it useful to use the solution for a previous exercise as a starting point for the next exercise, or to play with the capabilities of jsPsych.