

You might have noticed that the code we’ve written so far has been very repetitive. Python has a feature called a “loop”, which we can use to make this code less repetitive! For now, try this example:

for name in ["John", "Sam", "Jill"]:
    print("Hello " + name)

This is incredibly helpful if we want to do the same thing multiple times‒like drawing the edges of a square‒but only want to write that action once. Here’s another version of a loop, try this:

for i in range(10):

Notice how we write only one line of code using i, but it takes on 10 different values? The code runs once for each value we give it.

The range(n) function can be considered a shorthand for 0, 1, 2, ..., n-1. If you want to know more about it, you can use the help in the Python shell by typing help(range). Use the q key to exit the help again.

You can also loop over elements of your choice:

total = 0
for i in [5, 7, 11, 13]:
    total = total + i


Write this example in a new code file and run it, to check it works how you might expect.


Notice how above, the lines of code that run multiple times, are the ones that are indented. This is an important concept in Python‒that’s how it knows which lines are inside the for loop, to be run once for each value you give it, and which are part of the rest of your program. Thonny and Noteable will both help you by automatically indenting the line after for .... :

Sometimes you want to repeat some code a number of times, but don’t care about the value of the index variable (i in the code above). If that’s the case use _ instead. This shows that we don’t care about its value, or won’t use it. Here’s a simple example:

for _ in range(10):

So in this code for _ in range(10): just means “do the following 10 times”.

You may or may not be wondering about the variable i - why is it used all the time above? Well, it simply stands for “index” and is one of the most common variable names ever found in code. But if you are looping over something other than just numbers, be sure to name it something better! For instance (just for illustration, don’t type this in):

for drink in list_of_beverages:
    print("Would you like a " + drink + "?")

This is immediately clearer to understand than if we had used i instead of drink.

Drawing a dashed line


Draw a dashed line. You can move the turtle without the turtle drawing its movement by using the turtle.penup() function; to tell it to draw again, use turtle.pendown().



for i in range(10):


Can you make the dashes become larger as the line progresses?



Feeling lost? Print your loop variable (in this case i) at every run of the loop:

for i in range(10):
    # write more code here

Can you utilize i‒commonly called the index variable or loop variable‒to get increasing step sizes?


In the example above, the line that starts with a # is called a comment. In Python, anything that goes on a line after # is ignored by the computer. Use comments to explain what your program does, without changing the behaviour for the computer. They can also be used to easily and temporarily disable, or “comment out” some lines of code.

Comments can also go at the end of a line, like this:

turtle.left(20)     # tilt our next square slightly

More Efficient Squares


The squares we were drawing at the start of this tutorial had a lot of repeated lines of code. Can you write out a square drawing program in fewer lines by utilizing loops?


for _ in range(4):


Try nesting loops, by putting one right under (inside) the other, with some drawing code that’s inside both. Here’s what it can look like:

for ...:
    for ...:
        # drawing code inside the inner loop goes here
    # you can put some code here to move
    # around after!

Replace the ...’s with your own code, and see if you can come up with something funny or interesting! Mistakes are encouraged!